
With a single Business Spend Management (BSM) platform, ISPnext instantly increases the financial impact of more than 400 customers. Thanks to various solutions in invoice processing, supplier and contract management, the customers make data-driven decisions, reduce risks and increase profitability. More information
Why is a SurePay Exact link so easy and valuable?

There is an increasing focus on fraud. Yet we do not always see improvements in payment verification or security. What is going on? And don’t many companies overlook the most obvious solution? Increasing fraud and attention to fraud The number of fraud cases has increased dramatically in recent years. And the scale of fraud is […]
Why your accountant will be happy with the IBAN-Name Check (portal)
There is increasing pressure on auditors for safe (financial) operations. They have more obligations than ever to detect and report frauds, but ideally, of course, to prevent them. With the IBAN Name Check portal, you can greatly relieve your accountant of this. What exactly is the role of the accountant? When auditors come across, or […]
Why also (semi)-governments choose the IBAN-Name Check Portal
Certainty about the correctness of payments is crucial for governments. Errors or fraud not only cause huge financial damage, they can also damage trust in the government. In this article, we would like to explain to you how more and more semi-governments are preventing this damage with the IBAN-Name Check portal. Reason 1: prevent fraud […]
SurePay launches first radio campaign
SurePay, the inventor of the IBAN-Name Check, which consumers know from their banking app, has announced that it will launch a radio campaign on BNR Nieuwsradio to raise its brand awareness and encourage the use of its online portal. In this portal, online name, account numbers, KVK and VAT numbers can be checked, preventing fraud […]
CEO fraud runs rampant, but can be minimised with an IBAN-Name Check
Of all the types of fraud out there, CEO fraud is the kind that can do immense damage par excellence. This is not just financial damage; trust within an organisation can also be severely dented. The key question to be answered, therefore, is: ‘How can CEO fraud be minimised before more companies suffer?’ Why does […]
With an IBAN-Name Check, you can also prevent salary payment fraud
Fraudsters are certainly not only targeting the world of big fast money. They can also cause widespread damage in ‘simple’ salary payments. Here, employees have a responsibility to double-check account information and that can be cumbersome. But, there is a solution to that. Why should employers take immediate action to combat salary fraud and errors? […]
SurePay Portal makes checking IBAN and name easier and more accessible
Utrecht– 25 January 2023 – IBAN-Name check now available via website for all organisations Today, Utrecht-based fintech SurePay introduces the IBAN-Name Check Portal. Companies can use the Portal to quickly and efficiently check, 24 hours a day, whether they have the correct payment details of a customer, supplier or employee. In this way, SurePay helps detect fraud and […]