About us
SurePay was founded in 2016 and has been providing the IBAN-Name Check to all major Dutch banks since 2017. In the years that followed, our group of customers expanded to corporates and partners. Today, SurePay provides the Confirmation of Payee service in the UK. European Banks are following suit: Verification of Payee is now also provided by us. At the same time, we continue to introduce new services in the Netherlands.

We are on a mission to protect both our clients and their customers against the growing threat of fraud worldwide, both cross-border and multi-domestic.
– David-Jan Janse, CEO SurePay
SurePay was founded
In 2016, SurePay originated as a startup from Rabobank - one of the biggest banks of the Netherlands. Our solution then called IBAN-Name Check was created to combat payment fraud and misdirected payments. Preventing many financial losses and administrative costs
201699,5% of Dutch Banks connected
Within a year, we connected 99.5% of Dutch banks. Which means they have a connection to our Verification of Payee API and share their data with us via a highly secure connection.
201799% UK coverage
In 2019, we introduced our 'Confirmation of Payee' solution to the UK. We adapted our solution to UK standards and achieved a 90% coverage in the United Kingdom.
90% coverage France
SurePay, SEPAMail.eu and StreamMind launched the first cross-border Verification of Payee Check. The partnership links more than 30 Dutch banks and 114 French banks. SurePay verifies 99.5% of all online payments in the Netherlands with its Verification of Payee solution. SEPAmail.eu offers an IBAN verification service in France for more than 90% of all bank accounts used by companies. StreamMind provides the connection between these two networks.
202190% coverage Italy
SurePay and CBI S.c.p.a., an Italian company that develops digital services – including open finance services – for the financial industry and the Public Administration through a collaborative method, have signed a partnership. This enables Payment Service Providers to use the Verification of Payee service to check gradually on Italian, Dutch and European account holders, including the UK.
SurePay partnered with SWIFT and announced the expansion of its services to a European and global scale through a strategic agreement with Swift and the following integration of Swift’s Payment Pre-validation service. overeenkomst en de daaropvolgende integratie van Swift's Payment Pre-validation-service.
2022Launch IBAN-Name Check Portal
SurePay introduces the IBAN-Name Check Portal. Companies can use the Portal to quickly and efficiently check, 24 hours a day, whether they have the correct payment details of a customer, supplier or employee. In this way, SurePay helps detect fraud and prevent mistakes.
2023Majority of Belgium Banks connected
CEC awarded SurePay, on behalf of the Belgium Banks and in consultation with Febelfin, to deliver Verification of Payee (VoP) services. Following a meticulous tender process, SurePay emerged as the preferred vendor for its proven track record, best-in-class matching service and added value fraud mitigating services.
Connect EU countries
With a team of 85+ professionals we currently connect all EU mandated countries before the October 2025 deadline.
2025Customers recommend SurePay with an 8.5
Last year our customers received the customer satisfaction measurement. We’re proud to share the satisfaction rating we’ve received for our company and services. We see that it takes little effort to take the IBAN-Name Check and the customer loyalty is rated (very) high. We also really appreciate the feedback that we receive from customers who actively think along with us and contribute their ideas and wishes to make our service even better.
Our Customers
ISO Audit and Audit Report:
ISAE 3000 Type II Report (based on ISO 27001)
ISAE 3000
Audit Type II Report
Data & Security
Data security and ensuring the uninterrupted availability of SurePay services are paramount to us. To uphold these standards, we maintain ISO 27001:2013 compliance. Furthermore, we conduct an annual ISAE 3000 type II audit at SUREPAY B.V. to assess our Information Security Management System, aligning with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 framework. The successful completion of these audits confirms our adherence to all facets of the information security requirements standard.
To dive deeper into our security practices, please see our security page.
In 2023, SurePay has performed 1,488,521,279 IBAN-Name Checks
Of these, 10,509,010 checks were for organisations (the rest for banks)
We issued warnings 66,060,800 times that the IBAN and name did not match
And warned 3,983,790 times that the IBAN number had been revoked
Our core values
Our core values define the way we do business every day and the way we work with each other, customers and partners.
We Care: We are a supportive employer and understand that health, family and safety are truly important.
Build Together: We believe in teamwork and strive for the best results together.
Think Forward: By continuously anticipating the needs of tomorrow, we lead the way with solutions that secure the future today.
Be Responsible: We all contribute to achieving our mission of reducing fraud and improper payments, leading to a positive impact on society.
We Care
Build Together
Think Forward
Be Responsible
The people at SurePay
Our team, consisting of 85 people, is committed to 100+ banks and 300+ organisations every day. Our head office can be found in Utrecht.
Management team
Business team
Sign up for our newsletter
Sign up for our newsletter: This will keep you up to date on the IBAN Name Check and international payment fraud.
Lotte Ploeg
SurePay werd opgericht
In 2016 werd SurePay opgericht als een startup vanuit Rabobank, een van de grootste banken van Nederland. Onze oplossing, toen genaamd IBAN-Naam Check, werd ontwikkeld om betalingsfraude en verkeerd overgemaakte betalingen tegen te gaan, waarmee aanzienlijke financiële verliezen en administratieve kosten werden voorkomen.
201699,5% van de Nederlandse banken aangesloten
Binnen een jaar hebben we 99,5% van de Nederlandse banken aangesloten. Dit betekent dat zij een verbinding hebben met onze IBAN-Naam Check API en hun gegevens met ons delen via een zeer veilige verbinding.
201799% UK dekking
In 2019 hebben we onze oplossing 'Confirmation of Payee' geïntroduceerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. We hebben onze oplossing aangepast aan de Britse standaarden en een dekking van 99% in het Verenigd Koninkrijk bereikt.
201990% dekking Frankrijk
SurePay, SEPAMail.eu en StreamMind hebben de eerste grensoverschrijdende verificatie van begunstigden gelanceerd. De samenwerking verbindt meer dan 30 Nederlandse banken en 114 Franse banken. Wij verifiëren 99,5% van alle online betalingen in Nederland met de IBAN-Naam Check. SEPAMail.eu biedt in Frankrijk een IBAN-verificatiedienst voor meer dan 90% van alle bankrekeningen die door bedrijven worden gebruikt. StreamMind zorgt voor de verbinding tussen deze twee netwerken.
202190% dekking Italië
SurePay en CBI S.c.p.a., een Italiaans bedrijf dat digitale diensten ontwikkelt – waaronder open-finance-diensten – voor de financiële sector en de publieke sector via een samenwerkingsmodel, hebben een partnerschap gesloten. Dit stelt betalingsdienstverleners in staat om gebruik te maken van de Verification of Payee-service om geleidelijk rekeninghouders in Italië, Nederland en Europa, inclusief het Verenigd Koninkrijk te controleren.
SurePay is een samenwerking aangegaan met Swift. Hiermee hebben we de uitbreiding van onze diensten naar een Europese en wereldwijde schaal aangekondigd via een strategische overeenkomst en de daaropvolgende integratie van Swift's Payment Pre-validation-service.
2022Launch IBAN-Naam Check Portal
SurePay introduceert de IBAN-Naam Check Portal. Bedrijven kunnen de portal dag gebruiken om snel en efficiënt te controleren of ze de juiste betaalgegevens van een klant, leverancier of werknemer hebben. Op deze manier helpt SurePay fraude op te sporen en fouten te voorkomen.
2023Meeste Belgische Banken aangesloten
CEC heeft SurePay, namens de Belgische banken en in overleg met Febelfin, aangewezen om Verification of Payee (VOP) diensten te leveren. SurePay naar voren als de voorkeursleverancier vanwege onze bewezen staat van dienst, het beste matching algoritme en de toegevoegde waarde bij het tegengaan van fraude.
2024Het aansluiten van alle EU landen
Met een team van meer dan 85 professionals verbinden we momenteel alle EU-landen die verplicht zijn vóór de deadline van oktober 2025.