IBAN-Name Check

for your organization

for banks

for municipalities

for accountants

for insurers

for pension funds

for housing associations

for energy suppliers

for detective agencies

for HR service providers

for semi-government

for corporates

for banks

For telecom providers

All payments you check directly online or through your own
financial system. This is how you make your business processes in
once safer and easier.

Minimize onboarding dropouts
Prevent fraud, erroneous payments and incorrect collections
Always the correct payment information from
your customer
Meet AML & Audit Requirements.

Our products

Check through the Portal

Do your IBAN Name Checks directly online. Get 100 checks for free.

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Check directly through Exact

Link with Exact Online to check payments within 2 clicks.

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Checks for organizations

Integrate the API to make your business processes

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Checks in the EU
Comply with upcoming Instant Payments legislation with this European solution

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Checks for banks

All payments checked directly into
the online banking environment.

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UK Confirmation of Payee

Our Confirmation of Payee solution for PSPs in the UK.

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The latest developments

How a.s.r. has improved our
IBAN Name Check

“Failure onboarding
reduced from 100%
to 10-15%

For which processes?

Smooth onboarding process

Prevent failure during onboarding of new customers
and increase your conversion rate.

Read customer case study →

Preventing fraud and error

Be sure that the account number belongs to the name provided and avoid wrong payments and fraud.

Read customer case study →

Keeping accounting records up to date

Validate and verify the data of your customer, employee
and supplier. Update (any) new data immediately
in your records.

Read customer case study →

Fraud and error investigation

Investigate whether there has been fraud in the past and use this to prevent fraud and errors in the future.

Read customer case study →

We are on a mission to protect both our clients and their customers against the growing threat of payment fraud worldwide, both cross-border and multi-domestic. – David-Jan Janse, CEO SurePay

– David-Jan Janse, CEO SurePay

What our customers say

Frequently Asked

The IBAN Name Check service is available via an API, providing a real-time response. You can build this API into virtually any of your business processes. Consider your CRM or billing software. Want to learn more about how the API can work to your advantage? Then take a look at this page

Data security is our highest priority. SurePay has developed the IBAN Name Check in cooperation with a large number of financial institutions, with “Security by Design” as the main principle. All services are built on proven secure architecture and subjected to rigorous controls before going into production. SurePay is compliant with ISO 27001 and is periodically audited for data security. In addition, an ISAE 3402 type II audit is performed annually at SurePay B.V. regarding an Information Security Management System in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 framework. A successful audit showed that we meet all points of the information security requirements standard.

Check files through the IBAN-Naan Check Portal. The File Check lets you do multiple IBAN Name Checks at once. The File Check feature is available to Business PRO customers and can be found in the top menu bar. Click the “File Check” button, you will be redirected to a new page. This is where you upload a file. A sample file is available on this page under the “Upload File” option and can be used for reference. The first three columns must be completed as shown in the sample file before uploading the file. Once the Check is complete, the Download File button appears. Click this button to download the verified file. In the file, you will then find the matching results.

Some Checks are performed on the main page of the IBAN Name Check Portal. The user enters a name and an IBAN and clicks the ‘Check’ button. The results of the check then appear on the same page.

If the information is correct, there is a “Match” and generally no notification is given. When there is no match, we distinguish between three types of reports:

Error message

If the name you type in is completely different from the name known to the bank, for example, Pietersen instead of Jansen, pay close attention. There may be fraud. You get a message that this IBAN has a different name known to the bank than the name you typed in. Contact the person to whom you wanted to pay and check the payment information.


If you make a typo in the name, for example Jansen instead of Janse, we show the name known to the bank. Check for yourself that the name we suggest is indeed the person or company you are referring to. You can adopt the suggested name.

No check

We cannot verify the name and account number you enter because we do not have access to the data. This may occur, for example, with a foreign bank account number.

IBAN Name Check
European solution Global network
99.99% uptime
52ms response time
security standards

Ready to get started?

Sign up for our IBAN Name Check portal and receive 100 checks for free!
Discover the benefits of the integrating of our API

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